New Action Movies 2017 English Subtitle Great Comedy Movies Full-Length HD
In the last few years, I have become a fan of the dramatic work of Martin McDonald. I have seen two of his plays performed on Broadway, seen his movie In Brutes and read as many of his plays as I've been able to lay my hands on. I've written reviews on Amazon and other venues because of my admiration for his work, gore and all. His characters are often lumpish and funny. Read more
You step into a McDonald work expecting black comedy, absurdist dialogue and blood and guts. How inhumane can one human being be to another in his work? Surprisingly mean-spirited and nasty. View or read McDonald, and you'll experience shock and awe.
In the last few years, I have become a fan of the dramatic work of Martin McDonald. I have seen two of his plays performed on Broadway, seen his movie In Brutes and read as many of his plays as I've been able to lay my hands on. I've written reviews on Amazon and other venues because of my admiration for his work, gore and all. His characters are often lumpish and funny. Read more
You step into a McDonald work expecting black comedy, absurdist dialogue and blood and guts. How inhumane can one human being be to another in his work? Surprisingly mean-spirited and nasty. View or read McDonald, and you'll experience shock and awe.
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